2017 BYU Basketball Recruiting Class

class_of_2017The BYU basketball recruiting Class of 2017 currently has no offers extended. However, Darius Wise has been offered a scholarship for football and has expressed interest in being a two-sport athlete.  Wes Morgan and Christian PoPoola have both received interest by BYU and are currently listed as prospects.  As the summer AAU season continues expect additions and revisions (i.e. upgrades from “prospects” to “recruits”) to be made to the list.

Class of 2017 Basketball Commits
The following players have made verbal commitments to play basketball for BYU in 2017.

Player High School Composite Star Ranking Other Offers
None  n/a  n/a  n/a

Class of 2017 Basketball Recruits
The following players have been offered scholarships to play basketball for BYU in 2017. *Offered a scholarship to play football for BYU.

Player High School Composite Star Ranking Other Offers
Darius Wise* Beaver Area (PA) (2 / 5)  n/a

Class of 2017 Basketball Prospects
The following players are on BYU’s radar and/or have expressed interested in playing for BYU in 2017.

Player High School Composite Star Ranking Other Offers
Wes Morgan  Ardrey Kell (NC)   (2 / 5) MD Eastern Shore, UNC-Greensboro
Christian PoPoola Jr. Lone Peak (UT) (3 / 5) New Mexico, Princeton, SDSU, UNLV, USC, USU, WSU

BYU Prospects Class Lists (2017)

While these lists may not be very complete right now, they will ultimately show all of the BYU prospects once they are rated by the various recruiting services.

Twitter List (Class of 2017 prospects)

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