This is a series of articles highlighting the “greats” of BYU basketball history.  Former BYU athletes qualify for this list by being a BYU alumni who has played at least one game of professional basketball (that is, someone paid them money to play the sport of basketball).  Each profile will include highlights from their BYU careers, an accounting of all their professional experience, and an update on what they have done since their professional playing careers.  If you have information regarding any of these players or would like to make a request on who to profile next please write in the comment section below.  For recent BYU players who are currently playing professionally we have this page.  And go here for BYU Football WATN profiles.

Recent WATN profiles:

List of BYU Basketball Greats

Ainge, Danny Durrant, Devin Hutchins, Mel Ruffner, Paul
Araujo, Rafael Eakins, Jim Kite, Greg Smith, Michael
Bradley, Shawn Fairchild, John Kramer, Steven Toolson, Andy
Congdon, Jeffrey Fredette, Jimmer Nemelka, Dick Walker, Brady
Cosic, Kresimir Fryer, Bernie Raymond, Craig Smith, Michael
Davies, Brandon Hansen, Travis Roberts, Fred

If there are players with professional playing experience (or other notable BYU players) who are not yet on this list please suggest them in the comment section below and I will update the list.

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